Maybe you’ve heard this?⠀
1. You can’t eat too many eggs because of the cholesterol.⠀
2. Cholesterol is bad for you and gives you heart disease.⠀
Those statements are complete false and i’m going to explain why.⠀
But first⠀
I give my daughter eggs every morning.⠀
She has biodynamic (more to come on this soon) pullet eggs each day.⠀
One white and two yolks!⠀
But aren’t I condemning her to a life of heart disease? And isn’t fat bad for you.⠀
Here are some cold hard facts.⠀
1. Dietary cholesterol has minimal impact on blood cholesterol levels measured by your doctor.The body creates cholesterol in amounts much larger than you can eat.⠀
2. Cholesterol is essential for hormone production (Depression anyone) and is even used in the production of Vitamin D inside the body. Low cholesterol = low vitamin d = increased chance of dying from EVERYTHING (known as all cause mortality)⠀
Now that’s the nonsense out of the way, what are the actual benefits of consuming eggs. If you want smart kids, this is the section for you.⠀
Eggs contain both choline and phosphatidyl choline.⠀
While choline is essential for your kiddos cardiovascular system and brain function, phosphatidyl choline rejuvenates memory and staves off Alzheimer’s by producing more acetyl cholinesterase, the neurotransmitter for making new memory.⠀
Phosphatidylcholine is also used to make bile (which helps digest fat) so that you can absorb your fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K, cod liver oil, CoQ10 and more. More on those super nutrients in later posts.⠀
Eggs are also great food for growing eyes.⠀
They contain both Lutein and Zeaxanthin two superstar eye nutrients. Lutein helps filter out harmful blue light. Lutein is also a carotenoid, which is ALWAYS absorbed better when combined with fat so it’s much more bioavailable (gets into the system) from eggs than any other source.⠀